The Process Of Bringing Domestic Rabbits Outside To Play

Even though rabbits aren’t meant to live outside, or less they’re wild, bringing rabbits outside for a playtime session is completely fine. The only problem comes once you realize how many dangers there are outside for rabbits, pretty much anything. Because of this, knowing the basics are important.


To bring a domestic rabbit outside, is already a gigantic jump into reality. First of all, many house rabbits started as strays, which means that these rabbits probably have terrible memories, experiences, and lives out in the wild. If bringing a rabbit outside is a risk worth taking, this is how you will want to do it:

First: Do Research

The different topics that will need researching for when you bring rabbits outside are the following: Where to bring a rabbit outside to play, bug medications, making this area outside safe, what to do and not to do with your rabbit outside, the different potential predators, and how to keep predators away.

Second: Take Notes:

Even though these concepts of bringing a rabbit outside seem obvious, I can guarantee that you will learn something new when you go through all of this research, and you might go through a phase of extreme realization.

When taking notes, there are many concepts that need covering with each subject. This is what I feel you need to know before exposing your rabbit to the outside world:

What You Need to Bring Your Rabbit Outside:

  • Play Pen and Others
  • Toys
  • Litter/Bedding
  • Food/Water

Where to Bring A Rabbit Outside To Play:

  • Where Is and Isn’t Safe?
  • Finding a Location
  • Spectating?

Bug Medications:

  • Different Types
  • Where to Get Them
  • Why Are They Important?
  • Risks That Come Without Bug Prevention
  • Know Your Rabbit’s Past Problems Outside

Making An Area Outside Safe For a Rabbit:

  • Locations
    • Trees?
    • Grass?
    • Wildflowers and Plants?
  • Setup
  • Protection

What to Do and Not to Do When Bringing a Rabbit Outside:

  • What to Do
    • Food/Forage
    • Protection
    • Handling
    • Bedding/Litter
  • What Not to Do
    • Food/Forage
    • Protection
    • Handling
    • Bedding/Litter

Outdoor Predators to Rabbits:

  • Different Predators
  • Risks of These Predators
  • Why Prevention of These Predators is Crucial

How to Protect a Rabbit From Outdoor Predators:

  • Proper Location
  • Flooring
  • Roofs
  • Area Protection in General
  • Your Guidance

Third: Get Your Materials Ready:

You’ll want to start to get materials together as soon as possible, even before you know where the pen is even going to go. It may seem strange, but it’s best to get the main materials that you know you will need for sure, to then add on over time once you find your location.

When you do this initial preparation of the materials, your giving yourself different things to check off the list that you knew were going to be on it anyway. This way, your able to give yourself the time to add more materials to the list as you research, and check other materials off as well.


The Actual Process:

To bring your rabbit outside, you’ll want to bring all of your materials out first, then the rabbit in a carrier. To put this into steps, it would be:

  1. Bring Out all Materials
  2. Set up all of the Materials
  3. Bring your Rabbit Out
  4. Allow Your Rabbit To Adjust
  5. Watch and Play With Your Rabbit


After all of the preparation, the process of actually bringing your rabbit outside is extremely simple. Just don’t be that rabbit owner that doesn’t do all of the excess preparation, because the moment you forgot something inside, you can’t go and get it.

Bringing a rabbit outside is extremely risky for too many reasons, but to get your rabbit adjusted to the playtime outside like that is extremely beneficial. Making your rabbit comfortable in many positions can really boost a bond with not only other rabbits, but you too!


Thank you all of coming back again for this post. All of the different topics that were mentioned above that I felt need addressing before bringing any domestic rabbit outside are going to be my outdoor themed posts for about the next month. Keep in mind that I post every other day, and the outdoors posts are every other post, so every four days there will be an outdoors post.

With that being said, please make sure to come back every other day for a new post, and until I talk to you next time, continue to spread proper rabbit care and I will talk to you soon, bye!

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