What I Like to Forage and Safety Tips/Details

To start a new little chapter into the foraging unit, I would like to go over the forage I get for my rabbits. I will be going over what I commonly forage, some details, and the rabbits’ favorites.

What I Like to Forage:

  • Grasses
  • Clover
  • Dandelion greens and flowers
  • Willow sticks/leaves
  • Apple sticks

A Few Details With This Forage:

Like all forage, it must be free of the following:

  1. Bugs
  2. Pesticides
  3. Gasoline
  4. Viruses

So in other words, make sure that there aren’t any bugs living in the forage, don’t give any forage to your rabbit(s) that could have or was sprayed and/or treated with pesticides, don’t give your rabbit forage in contact with or near contact with gasoline, and don’t give your rabbit any forage from a plant that could have died from a virus.


Bugs must be removed and really shouldn’t be in contact with the forage. Bugs can spread throughout the rabbit’s area and cause the following problems:

  • Invasion of food
  • Mites, ticks, fleas, and flies living on your rabbit
  • Flystrike
  • And many more scenarios


Pesticides are poisonous to all animals if they are ingested, trust me, eating grass from your lawn with pesticides on it will make you sick, I tested it a long time ago. Here are some examples of forage that would most likely be sprayed with pesticides:

  • Trees (for the sticks)
  • Your lawn (for pretty much everything else on the list
  • Sometimes gardens
  • Your entire property (most likely)


Gasoline is so majorly dangerous and should always be avoided for foraging purposes. Here are some ways that gasoline could be affecting the forage you may go for:

  • Lawns from lawnmowers
  • Around roads from cars
  • Around your house and property from weed wackers
  • Any way that gasoline is possibly touching the forage, it isn’t safe


Viruses are very commonly a problem with trees if they start to die from a virus and you want to collect so sticks, do NOT collect from that tree. Any dead tree from a virus can cause your rabbit to get stick, and there are probably bugs in there too if it’s dead, so just leave dead trees.

My Rabbits’ Favorites For Forage:

  1. Dandelion flowers, they like the greens more for salads
  2. Clover as a treat
  3. Apple and willow sticks for chew toys
  4. Willow leaves as low sugar treats
  5. Grasses for a hay topper


Thank you so much for all of the support and love that has been given to this post, my entire channel, and the community of rabbit owners and rabbit lovers. If you would, please check out my post on unsafe forage with their characteristics and details from four days ago. I say this because anyone who will be foraging, one interpretation could kill your rabbit, and I don’t want that to happen. There is so much information in that post that I will warn you to spare about 10 minutes to read through it, and an extra 5 minutes to interpret it all. Anyway, I will talk to you in two days for a new breed post, bye!

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