The American Sable Rabbit

To finish off the “American” breeds, I would like to go over the American sable rabbit. If you haven’t been following along, I will be going over characteristics, history, common medical problems, personalities, and more!

History of the American Sable Rabbit:

The American Sables came along in the 20th century in California, where chinchilla colored rabbits were being bred to a bunch of different rabbit breeds. The breed produced became popular and was founded officially in 1929 and accepted as an actual breed in 1931.

Characteristics of the American Sable

  • Rounded head: Very defined
  • Upright ears: No sign of lopping
  • Soft, fine, but dense coat of fur
  • An all grey body with a tint of tan that fades out

Common Personalities of the American Sable:

  • Sweet
  • Active
  • Playful

American sables are very tame rabbits by nature and if given proper care and attention, this rabbit could easily become an amazing emotional support animal. American sables don’t have a temperament really and love spending time with others.

With American sables being so active and playful, it is very important to give many toys, give time for interaction, and make sure that the rabbit isn’t being bored out of its mind. Active rabbits need a lot of entertainment to stay healthy, just like every other rabbit out there. Breeds can vary the amount of willingness for exercise, but it is important that whether the rabbit enjoys the run and play time or not, that the exercise time is given.

General Size:

The general weight of an American sable rabbit is around 8 to 10 pounds. By nature, the males actually tend to be smaller and leaner than the females. This is quite surprising when you think about it since male species tend to weigh more, have more muscle, and look larger in general.

American sables are considered a medium rabbit. If you didn’t know, there are dwarf, small, medium, large, and giant sized rabbits, medium being the size of Oliver and Luna, being around eight inches long on average (with the rabbit in a loaf/standard position). Do keep in mind that stockiness can add to the factor of the sizing for a rabbit.

Common Medical Problems/Extra Care:

With the rabbit’s coats being so thick, weekly and daily grooming is necessary to prevent shedding/molting problems. If the rabbit ingests too much fur, the rabbit could die of starvation of the body thinking that it actually has nutritious food in its stomach, or of GI stasis and the resentment to eat.

There aren’t really any other specific medical problems to say that are directed towards American sables. All rabbits should be monitored for ear mites and overgrown teeth, and should be given appropriate toys and products in return, as mentioned in the article I read about the American sable breed, linked second.


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Thank you for coming back once again for this post. I will be continuing the outdoors theme and then the rabbit breed sort of pattern, so please continue to come back at least every other day to make it for the new post. As always, continue to spread proper rabbit care and I will talk to you in two days, bye!





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