American Breed Rabbits

Today will be all about American rabbits. American rabbits are not quite as popular as they used to be, which I will explain later. Today, I will be going over their history, their characteristics, personalities, size, weight, popular health problems, and more!

Why Are They Called American Rabbits?

The American rabbits were originally called German blue Viennas, but that was changed due to World War I. The rabbits were used for their meat and fur during the war. Their name was changed because of the popularity of the meat and fur in America at that time.

What is the History Behind American Rabbits?

As I was just saying, in the 1940’s and 1950’s, the rabbits were used solemnly for their meat and fur. This was what the American soldiers of the war had used quite often for food, and for warmth and protection from the rabbit’s pelts.

The rabbits now are very scarce and are actually very rare. This is quite surprising considering that some soldiers’ lives depended on these animals, now, it’s hard to even find them.

Why Did Their Usage Change?

The use of the rabbits have obviously changed dramatically. These rabbits aren’t actually that commonly found in America anymore. When they are around, they are known as house pets now, like rabbits should be. This means that the rabbit meat industry won’t be able to take these rabbits for meat, changing what they are to the people and environment around the animal.

This also ties in with how these rabbits have also turned into show rabbits, and are no longer being used for their gorgeous pelts, instead, their pelts can be shown off in a fair or festival.

What Characteristics Do They have?

American rabbits typically have:

  • Semi-arch body
  •  “Blue” and white fur
    • White fur: red eyes
    • Blue fur: typical colored eye options
  • Soft pelts
  • Large breed

What Are Their Common Personalities?

Most, if not all American rabbits are very docile and friendly. From articles that I have read, even wild American rabbits would still be very docile. This has definitely traced over to the domestic rabbits, leaving them as a very good rabbit for families who know and use proper care.

How Heavy and Large Can They Get?

About 8.82 lbs. to 12.13 lbs, or 4 to 5.5 kg. These rabbits are considered as a large rabbit breed, meaning that this breed is naturally larger in size. Their typical size can’t be directly spared due to the fact that rabbits are classified as dwarfs, smalls, mediums, larges, or giants.

What Are Common Health Problems With American Rabbits?

American rabbits do not have any specific health problems that will run in their breed’s genes. If they are properly taken care of, there isn’t really a risk of the rabbit getting sick out of nowhere.

Thank you for coming back again. My next post, in two days, will be the start of the outdoor activities with rabbits. If you would like to hear more about that, make sure to stick around. I will be going over the breeds I have listed in alphabetical order, so make sure to continue to stick around for that as well.

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