What Gendered Rabbit is Best For You?

As promised, I will be going through the personalities of people and matching them to a gender of a rabbit based off of my experience with rabbit personalities. This will be a reference for anyone looking for the correct gender and age of the new-coming member of the family.

Human Personalities:

  1. Laid back but still energetic. You enjoy a fun and overactive pet to match you and still like the relaxed side of an animal.
  2. Very energetic and likes to go overboard on doing a bunch with your pets. You really would like a good, athletic rabbit with a good bond.
  3. A more laid back person that likes to do a lot with their rabbit but in a more low key way. Taking your rabbit out in public is something more for special occasions.
  4. Someone very willing to take their rabbit with them anywhere, whether others care or not. As long as the rabbit is behaving and doesn’t get out and make a disaster.
  5. Someone who doesn’t want to take their rabbit anywhere and just wants to chill out with their rabbit during evenings for fun.


Rabbit Personalities and Genders to Match the Owner’s Personalities:

  1. A young and energetic male or a more relaxed female rabbit.
  2. A young and very tamed female or a very energetic male rabbit.
  3. Either male or female. It depends on the owner and how energetic the rabbit may be. It also depends on the owner’s handling skills.
  4. A tamed female rabbit or a more adventurous male rabbit, both energetic if anything.
  5. A very tamed male or female rabbit, or senior rabbits of either gender.

Make sure to leave a comment below if this helped you out!

Classifying Rabbit Gender and Personalities With Rabbit Owner’s Personalities:

A young female rabbit: An owner that is around home a lot and is very willing to spend plenty of time taming and taking your rabbit out on adventures.

A young male rabbit: An owner that likes a more relaxed and naturally tamed and social rabbit that is still energetic and likes to go on adventures.

An adult female rabbit: An owner that like to take their rabbit out for long adventures once the rabbit is very tame and used to being handled and transported by their owner.

An adult male rabbit: An owner that likes to take their rabbit out for longer adventures, but more on the safe side since the rabbit will probably be more calm with the entire transportation, but possibly overprotective of their owner.

A senior female rabbit: A great rabbit to keep around home that is still quite energetic for their age and likes to be snuggled and cuddled during spare time.

A senior male rabbit: An amazing rabbit for anyone around to cuddle with a nap-willing companion. Senior males tend to enjoy a lot of time with owners and other rabbits their age, constantly calm and quiet.


Thank you so much for coming back again today. I will be posting more on gender and choosing the correct one for you. I will be posting every other day on this topic, so make sure to come back in two days for the next post. I will be doing a lot more with the bunnies, so make sure to leave a like for new bunny pictures.

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