What Gendered Rabbit Is Better? Is There One?

Today, to connect with last post, I will be going over if there really is a better gendered rabbit. Last post, I favored both genders, so I would like to go over why I did that post and the importance to the gender.

Why Did I Do Last Post?

Last post was hard for me, knowing that many people would have different opinion and how not every rabbit will be similar if they are the same gender. I was just making the facts based off of my experience, and along with what I’ve been told by other rabbit owners and caretakers.

Why Does Gender Matter?

Many rabbit owners feel that one gender is way different when attitude comes along. I don’t want to side with one gender, because that wouldn’t be fair or rightful. Gender can also play a large toll into how you treat your bunny. Rabbits could be defensive based on gender, which that act will need to be broken. Rabbits are more complex than many think, and I feel that choosing the correct gender can really help.

Is One Gender Better Than the Other?

I don’t feel that one gender is better for everyone, but one gender could be better based on your time, patience, and cooperation. Your rabbit’s personality can play a toll on yours, so I feel that everyone should get a rabbit like them. Some rabbits are more willing but fussy, others are chill, but sometimes too lazy, this can be part of the gender of your rabbit, believe it or not. So in other words, one gender isn’t actually better as a whole, but there is the potential that one gendered rabbit could be better than the other for your personality and time.

Which Is Best For Your Personality?

It all depends on you. Use my last post to compare your personality to the personalities that I listed and explained for the different genders. This way, you could get a rabbit like you. I will be making another post soon explaining human personalities and comparing them to rabbits and matching human and rabbit personalities to see what rabbit is best for one person or another.

*DISCLAIMER* I know that not all rabbits will act the same based off of gender. Some rabbits that are known to be docile and sweet may be the worst rabbit in the world, that’s when the time, personality, and the past problems come in. It really helps to take in those rabbits and help them out so that others don’t get a bad vibe, because there really shouldn’t be anyone afraid of rabbits, they are peaceful animals that can be great for pets.

Gender is all based on you. I feel that my sister probably should have gotten a male, I could have gotten the female. This is because males are more laid back, and females are more fussy. I’m much more patient, so watching my sister try to tolerate Luna sometimes is like torture to my eyes. I absolutely love having Oliver, and my sister enjoys Luna, so it still did work out in the end, but for some people, this would not work out and this is why I did this all on gender, because it can be the break point.



Thank you again for coming back for another post. I will be continuing this little series on picking out the rabbit for you, along with more details on certain breeds, and just more on everything in general. I will be posting every other day so please make sure to come back then, as for now, keep spreading proper rabbit care and I will talk to you next time, bye.

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